Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

Today i had my 4th Beta test. at 27dp5dt my numbers are 21,764. Right on track!!! The nurse said that i should be able to hear the fetal tones on Thursday at my ultrasound!! I can't Wait

On a somewhat negative note.....I feel crappy today...very nauseous. Tired, and i layed down but woke up feeling worse. I am happy to be nauseous though!!!! :)

Tomorrow needs to go by fast!!! i can't wait until Thursday!

I also had my consultation with the Diabetic counselor today...i have to start testing my blood....and watching my carbs!. I was freaking out about a little tiny poke in the finger...funny cause i have to inject myself with a 1 1/2 in needle 2x a day, but the little poke scared me lol.... It didn't hurt though! I have to record all my blood levels and everything that i eat!

Tonight my mom is taking me shopping for some new work clothes....mine are all ratty......not going to buy alot though cause idk how big i am going to get!

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