Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday April 29, 2010

We went for our 13 week ultrasound today.....Everything looks great with the babies.....
They are 85% sure that we are having one of each!!!! We will find out 100% for sure on May 20th....can't wait!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday, April, 26, 2010

I went to the dr today....babies still look great!!! heart rates are starting to normalize now....hopefully in the next 2 US's we will be able to find out the sexes....

The PA put me on 4 hour work shifts......Its going to be really hard being that Dave is off, but he is putting out some resumes today and hopefully we will hear something soon!!!!

We go to the perinatologist tomorrow, and get a longer scan, so we will get to see our babies for more than 2 seconds YAY!!! i am hoping that we get Coryn again.....she is awesome!!! the other lady isnt so friendly...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I called the dr today....i am still having some issues with the medicine reaction...or whatever you want to call it......So the PA is having me relax with my feet up....not bed rest, but to take it easy and she doesn't want me to work tonight or this weekend.....

Unfortunately because Dave is laid off right now, i have no choice but to work, so they agreed to let me work tonight for 3 hours and a half of a day on Saturday. My work isn't to happy with me right now, but i have to do what is best for my babies, and it could have been worse. I could have listened to the drs and stayed home the whole time.

I just hope that i can work until at least June, but with all these scares, it wouldn't surprise me if they made me stop working sooner rather than later. I am very bummed about this, but again, am going to do whatever they think is best for my babies.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I went to see Dr. Lalich today.....he did another exam, and pretty much said that i had to wait things bed rest, and no activity restrictions.

This is so frustrating to not know exactly what is happening to me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today i am 11 weeks.....and while i was at work i had another bleeding scare. After almost 5 hours in the ER, a painful exam and an ultrasound, the babies are still doing well, and they think that i am having an irritation from a medicine that i stopped a week ago.

This is the scariest thing that i have ever had to go through....even scarier than my hospital stay in 08.....

I pray that my babies will stay in there for as long as they should....and that all will be well!!!

I have to follow up with Dr. Lalich tomorrow.

Thursday, March 26, 2010

We had a big scare today.....I was getting ready for work and started bleeding.....had to rush to the dr's office.....babies are doing great!

they are not sure why it happened, but i will have to go in tomorrow for a quick US and then tuesday for another one....they have me on bed rest until Tuesday....

Hope all goes well and nothing happens to my precious beans!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Had another check up with my perionatologist today!! babies are looking great!

Baby A's heart beat is 163......he/she was moving the whole time!!!
Baby B's hear beat is 171....he/she waved at us while we were looking!!!!

I dont have to go back for another 3 weeks....its going to be a long 3 weeks.....but i do have another OB appt on the 20th....hopefully it will be a good birthday!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5, 2010

Had a great weekend with all of our family!! Good food and good conversation! couldn't have asked for better weather....(well i could have, but it was still good!)

Still feeling great! I feel like my belly jumped out this week, and i's only going to get bigger! I can't wait!!!!

I ordered one of those Heart beat Doppler machines, so that i can hear the heartbeats whenever i want. Hopefully it works good and isn't a piece of junk. I should get it today or tomorrow!

Had to call in my blood sugar numbers, and of course, they upped my meds again! I feel like no matter what i eat, my sugars are all over the place. I have been trying to eat everything i am supposed to, but sometimes its just not enough food. Hopefully it will get easier as the time goes on.

On a positive note, Tomorrow is going to be my last day of my Progesterone injections, and i get to stop taking the other progesterone and the estrogen!! YIPEE!!!!

Hope everyone had a great easter!
