Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Today is 2 years to the day that i was admitted into the hospital with severe OHSS... hard to believe that 2 years from the date I almost died, i am 19 weeks pregnant.

Our past few appts have went well!!! the babies were being stubborn, so we didn't get any good pictures, but they are both measuring at 10oz's....perfect according to the dr.

I was also told that i have complete placenta A's placenta is completely covering my cervix. So if it doesn't correct itself, that means i have to have a c-section, and could possibly mean an earlier delivery, and possible hospital bed-rest.

Whatever has to be done to get these babies here safe is what we will do!

We also got a possible lead on a job for dave! Lets hope it works out!

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