Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010

So i was sitting at my computer desk today, and all of a sudden i got really dizzy, the room started to spin, and i was seeing got so bad that i put my head between my legs cause i thought i was going to pass out.

I immediately called my drs office to have the dr on call paged.....and before she called back i had checked my blood sugar and listened for the heartbeats.... both were normal!!!

The dr finally called back, and said its completely normal, especially at this stage of the pregnancy. She said the fluids are building up around the babies, and that causes your blood pressure to shift, and causes dizziness. She herself had experienced this as well.
She told me that i did the right thing by putting my head between my legs (or as close as i could anyways with my ever expanding belly) and take deep breaths. She said if it does keep happening that i need to call again, but otherwise its completely normal...

What a relief. I thought i was going to have to make the hour long drive to the hospital....which i gladly would have to make sure the safety of my babies....

So i can now breathe a sigh of relief, as this apparently is normal during pregnancy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

Today i am exactly 20 weeks. YAY!!! we have made it just past half way...

They told me at 18 weeks that baby A's placenta is now completely covering my cerivix.....This is called Placenta Previa.....

My OB told me that it could mean delivery as early as 34 weeks, because if i go into labor on my own i could bleed and possibly hemorrhage.....this scares the crap out of me! He also told me that i could end up on hospital bed rest. I am ok with this as long as it means the babies can stay in longer.

Please pray that the placenta moves on its own before delivery! The Dr told me that because i am shorter (short torso) and there are 2 babies and 2 placentas, it might not happen, but they will closely monitor it! I go again July 1st and they will check again to see if it moved!

I am still unsure how much longer i will work. They told me another 4 weeks is good (and we will talk about it again at my next appt.) and pretty much its up to me when i want to stop working.....but if there are complications then of course, i would be done working.

Its very hard for me to get through to the end of my workday....but i am doing what i can because Dave is still not working, and its not looking like there will be any work any time soon.

on a positive note.....We FINALLY decided on names....

Gracyn Leigh (Gracie) and Joseph Dean (JD or Joe)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Today is 2 years to the day that i was admitted into the hospital with severe OHSS... hard to believe that 2 years from the date I almost died, i am 19 weeks pregnant.

Our past few appts have went well!!! the babies were being stubborn, so we didn't get any good pictures, but they are both measuring at 10oz's....perfect according to the dr.

I was also told that i have complete placenta A's placenta is completely covering my cervix. So if it doesn't correct itself, that means i have to have a c-section, and could possibly mean an earlier delivery, and possible hospital bed-rest.

Whatever has to be done to get these babies here safe is what we will do!

We also got a possible lead on a job for dave! Lets hope it works out!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, 2010

Today i am 18wks 1day...we went to Dr Kuhlman today. The ultrasound tech told us that she is 100% certain that we are having a boy and a girl. We couldn't be happier!!!

We are still having issues coming up with a boys name, but we are set on the girls. Her name will be Gracyn Leigh ! *Gracie for short*
