Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010

Our Twins were born today via c-section at 12:36 and 12:38pm, they were 34wks 6 days!

Gracyn was 4# 8oz and Joe was 4# 12.2 ozs. Both are doing well!

They didnt need any kind of help breathing or anything!.....they will be in the NICU hopefully for not too long, but just to be closely monitored!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 19,2010

I am completely miserable. The itching will not stop. the medicine is not touching it at all. 11pm-4am is the worst time frame for me, that is when my itching is the worst.

I do not know how i am going to get through the next 2 weeks with all this itching. I have tried lotion, showers, being cold (website said cool skin helps) NOTHING is working!

My next drs appt is Tuesday, and hopefully he will be able to help me!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16, 2010

I went in today for my weekly bio physical profile....

The last 3 days i have been up all night itching my skin practically raw......so i mentioned it to the dr, he looked at my skin and didnt see a rash, so he became concerned.

He said that i have Coleostasis of the Liver caused by pregnancy.....basically my liver is creating extra bile cells that could be harmful to the babies, and made mention of higher risk for still birth......I am freaking out.

So now, not only do i have to have weekly bio phys. profiles, but they are going to do weekly non stress tests. This makes me feel better that i get to hear them 2x a week, but its still really scary......i just wanted the itching to stop, and this is what i hear. UGH

So, now i am on an oral medication that is supposed to collect the extra bile cells, and keep them away from the babies......and hopefully make the itching stop.

They also gave me the green light to schedule my C-section for 36 weeks. (YAY!!!) which is the first week in Oct.!

Heres hoping for healthy babies and a safe delivery in 3 weeks *(OMG!!!!)
