Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Morning, February 24, 2010
Today is the big test day!!! it will determine my life for the next few months......either way.....
God i beg you to let this happen for us, we have been through so much and the only thing that we want in life is to become parents! Thank you in advance!!!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
February 23, 2010
Today is the longest day ever~!!!! is going by sooo slow!!! i need it to be 9 am tomorrow and then 330 so i can find out my results......this 2WW is killing me!
Monday, February 22, 2010
afternoon....February 22, 2010
I am craving chocolate milk today, so i went out and bought a whole gallon of it....
i am feeling very down today, and can't seem to rest at all. i tried to take a nap, but that failed, so i went to the grocery store and bought the fixings for chili.....its simmering now in my slow cooker....can't wait to try it tonight!
I am also having weird cramps today, every so often on my right side.....hopefully its a good cramp.
February 22, 2010
Today is a sad, sad day.....I went in for my first Beta Test today and the nurses informed me that Dr. Katayama passed away on Saturday unexpectedly. I do not know what this means for our future, but i will still be going to the nurses on Wednesday for another beta test and to find out the results. They are referring all of their patients to Dr. Matthew Meyer.....whom i left last year to find Dr. Katayama. I do not know what i will do after the blood test on Wednesday, as i do not know if i feel comfortable going back to that Clinic.
Keep us in your prayers that this transfer worked, and we will not have to worry about a next step.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Evening, February 21, 2010
As i lay in bed tonight, i have been thinking about the past 3 1/2 years of my life, and all the heartbreak. I sit and think about how i am still living, and breathing....with as many times as my heart has been broken, I wonder how there are still pieces left to keep me alive. Yet, with each heartbreak, somehow i manage to pull the pieces together and go on for another day. I often wonder how one makes the decision to live their life child free, as i could very well be faced with this decision in the future. I hope and pray to god that i don't have to think about that EVER, but in reality, it is a great possibility. With my future in gods hands, i pray everyday for a miracle. I also wonder....Why me? why did i have to have these medical issues? why can't we be lucky enough to get pregnant without even trying? why do i have to be a statistic?
I go on living each day of my life as if it were my last, and hope and pray to god that he will make my biggest life dream come true. I know in my heart that i was meant to be a mommy. I pray that a medical miracle will happen this week, and that god and Dr. K will answer my prayers!
February 21, 2010
Today is a doubt-full day! I feel nothing but a little bloating.....did it work? why do i have no symptoms. UGH this two week wait is killing me. On one hand, I tell myself that this time is going to be different and the reason i feel different is because they are going to stick. But on the other hand i am freaking out. Why am i not cramping? why am i not having hot flashes? why am i not EXHAUSTED!!!!! GOD PLEASE LET IT BE A GOOD RESULT!
Tomorrow is our first Beta Blood test!!! we will find out the result on Wednesday!
February 20, 2010
Today Dave and decided to go to Chammps Americana for lunch. Dave Church came with. I ordered a honey chicken wrap with onion rings.... unfortunately all i could eat were the onion rings.....UGH These hormones are killing me! I am sooo hungry, but cant eat it! after we got home, i laid down and took a 2 hour nap.....My fuse is short today and my husband is already plotting his escape for the next 8months.
February 17, 2010
Today my husband made Garlic Parmesan Chicken for dinner. He called me out of the spare room to come and eat, and as i walked out of the room, the smell over took me and i about lost my lunch. I tried to suck it up and I made myself a plate, carefully holding back the gags. I started nibbling on the green beans, and then i tried to eat the chicken. The smell was too over powering and i couldn't even swallow the bite i had in my mouth. Sorry honey, i am sure that the meal would have been great if my nose wasn't so powerful right now.
February 15, 2010

Today is the big day! they are transferring 3 of our snow babies!!!! What good looking embies hey? I feel very hormonal today! Very anxious and scared and nervous. 3????? lol....what if they all take? The Dr. recommended that we do 3 because he wants to be more aggressive being that we only have 1 more try after this one. I have to take my 2nd of 3 HCG 3300 units tonight, and after this one, I will really be feeling the hormones!!!!
I am feeling very tired now and am going to go to sleep. Pray for me that these precious snow babies stick!
February 10, 2010
Today I start taking the progesterone injections 2 times a day.... it is very painful, but will be worth it!
February 9, 2010
Today I started the heavy duty hormones. 10,000 ui's of HCG, and the progesterone oil injections. I am also still taking the previous meds and my Estrace was gradually upped to 4x a day.
I feel ok today, very hormonal, but in check!
January 30, 2010
Today I started the meds for the next transfer.
I am taking Estrace 2 times a day, Lovenox, a baby aspirin and a prenatal vitamin.
January 26, 2010
Today i go into the Doctor to get the process going to do another embryo transfer. Dr. K. is upping my estrogen, and that will give us a higher chance of it taking.
He also recommended that we do a specific blood test to check my immune system to see if there is something wrong that caused the chemical pregnancy and could possibly cause future miscarriages. The problem with this test is that it costs $2,000. And they can't guarantee that insurance will cover it...So we submitted a pre approval to our insurance...and SURPRISE SURPRISE, they denied it deeming it an unnecessary blood test, only to find out that they denied it because the dr didn't give enough of an explanation as to why it was needing to be done. UGH so now starts the appeal process.....
We decided to go ahead with the next transfer while we appeal the insurance.
December 8, 2009
Today is my Dad's 61st birthday.....what a horrible present. First, Your going to be a grandpa and then...JUST KIDDING, you are not.
Today I went in for bloodwork, my number is less than 2. So the pregnancy is completely gone. This is another hard day for me.
I talked to the nurse today to find out what the next step is. Dr. K is recommending that we do YET ANOTHER biopsy to make sure that my lining is appropriate when they are putting the embryos back in....Results: its appropriate!
Evening, December 4, 2009
Today is the worst day of my life. My Beta number today was 22.....we were told today that my pregnancy is what they consider to be a chemical pregnancy. So basically it was an early miscarriage.
This is the worst joke that anyone could ever play on us. We were so happy to finally be pregnant and then it was like someone said....JUST KIDDING......
I can't stop crying. Dave is so mad. He is wrecked by this whole process. I just want to lay in bed and cry. I do not think that I can go to work tomorrow, as i fear that i will cry at the drop of a hat.
To make matters worse, they called me to tell me that i need to come in on Tuesday for Blood work to make sure the pregnancy is completely gone....WAY TO BE SYMPATHETIC.
Morning, December 4, 2009
Today we went in for another Beta test to make sure the numbers are still rising. We wont get the results until later on today.
December 2, 2009
Today I went in for another beta blood test. We will find out the results tonight!....the only thing i don't like about it is that they give you your results on a personalized answering machine. We have to call before 8pm.
Update: we got the results today!!!! Beta Monday was 38, Beta today is 44....WERE PREGNANT!!!!!! the nurse told me that i still have to be on my restrictions though because they numbers should be significantly higher. She told me that we are not out of the woods, and to take it easy. (this is very scary)
November 30, 2009
Today I went to the doctor to get my first Beta blood test done. They will not run it until Wednesday when I come in for another Beta test!
November 28, 2009
Today is our Thanksgiving at my Aunt Vonnie's house. This is my favorite day of the year! They also have great food, and love spending time with this side of the family! Today overall i am feeling ok, except when i was washing dishes after dinner. I had my hands in the water, and i got this extreme cramp, and then I had this super hot flash to the point that my face was on fire. (or so it felt like) It only lasted about 1 min, but it was horrible, whatever it was. I decided to take it easy the rest of the day and just relax on the couch.
November 26, 2009
Today is Thanksgiving. We are spending it with Dav'es family at his Aunt Marianne's house. I look forward to occasions at his aunts house because they have the best food and its great company!
We just ate dinner and I am stuffed, and also not feeling well. Dave and I are going home early so I can lay down.
After the transfer

We just got home from the transfer. It went well!! Dr. K has a special finesse. It was not painful at all. (the sedative helps too) The nurse gave us a picture of the embryos that were put back in. I am feeling ok right now. I am a little crampy, and extremely tired, so i am going to go to bed.
sleepy dreams everyone!
November 23, 2009
Well, today is the big day!!! I am very anxious and nervous, but excited! I am feeling very hormonal, and sleepy. Dave and i are on our way to the Dr's office right now to be re-united with our snow babies!
November 20, 2009
I am feeling VERY hormonal today. These medicines are kicking my butt, but hopefully will all be worth it in the end!! I take another 3,300 units of HCG today, my first of 3 doses. I will take one on the 23rd, and one on the 26th. I am back down to Estrace 2 times a day and still taking the progesterone injections 2 times a day, alternating butt cheeks. As of today, i have a bruise on each butt cheek, and a lump where i have to inject myself. My husband will not inject me because he is a wienie when it comes to that kind of stuff. I have just adapted to doing it myself.
November 17, 2009
Today I started the Progesterone Oil injections. They are not fun at all. Very painful, and make me feel funny. I also have to take 10,000 UI's of HCG which is pure pregnancy hormones. Here is where the hormonal fun starts!!! Look out Dave!!!!! I am also taking the Estrace 3 times a day, I started that on Friday the 13th.
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